Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Technology Integration

     Day two the reflective teaching and I am thinking about technology.  What would I like to integrate? How will I integrate? 
    I have to say that being 1:1 this year, so far, is amazing!  I am using Google Classroom each and everyday. I love that I can post an assignment for my students and the minute they come in the classroom they are connecting to our classroom and getting right to work.  It is a great tool to use and makes sharing of assignments and other resources a breeze!
    My students love the fact that they can work on assignments at home, or modify according to my comments and critique.  The use of classroom opens up so many possibilities for differentiation. I can easily modify any document and share with all my students or just a few without them feeling left out or anyone else knowing that their assignment is just a little bit different. 
  The one piece of technology that I would like to use more is a student blog. I have set up Kidblog for my class as we connect with other classrooms in the Global Read Aloud.  This is new to me so it comes with a learning curve for both me and my class.  Teaching blogging to children is something that I hope they will continue to use in the future. Blogs are great for reflecting and sharing a piece of ourselves with the world. I hope they can see, through our use in the classroom, the benefit of blogging.  I am always on the lookout for ways to engage children, especially in the area of writing.  This medium is different than what they are used to and so far as really hit home with some of my reluctant writers.  Let's hope the interest continues!!

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