You know those moments when you think later- "dang why didn't I grab my camera?!" Yep- it was one of those days. We have been studying the branches of government so we had a little Socratic seminar to discuss our opinions on the branches of government. What I love about the Socratic method is that there is no right answer- the children all get really involved and take on their own learning.
After watching and discussing our videos shared in the last post- I broke them into groups to research each branch of government and highlight five important facts of each branch. We then gathered in a giant circle and I threw out the question, "Which branch of government is the most important?" Wow, that sparked some serious discussion!!! It was awesome and I can guarantee that they all gained a deeper learning into what they branches of government were about and the true meaning of checks and balances.
If you haven't tried this method yet, I highly suggest it. It gets children talking and justifying their thinking with reason and evidence. We have used it in the content area as well as in literature discussion groups. You can find more information about it on Read Write Think.
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